Wednesday 20 December 2006

Wicked domain that generates Cash

Wickedly brilliant!

Cameroon seems to have discovered a path to riches, by capitalizing on the fact that millions of people each day forget to type the ‘O’ in ‘.com’. You see .cm is Cameroon’s internet domain or top level domain (tld), and they have decided to point all those spelling mistakes straight to the bank ($$$). Here are a few good examples:

As of this writing, the above links point to a site hosted by ‘’ that has Ad driven links targeting travel, shopping, cars etc. The ads are less conspicuous on links with names owned by bigger companies that might take all this to offense.
Domains belonging to those without high profile lawyers (like me for instance), have their sites redirected somewhere else…

Camtel, the company that runs this tld for Cameroon has outsourced the management of this revenue generator to a seemingly clandestine operation that can be traced back to Vancouver. This whole thing really stinks… but I have to hand it to whoever came up with the idea for being wickedly brilliant.

Great article as written by another blogger, called let me check again..

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